I have a custom section in UITableView
, it has an UIImageView
and a UILabel
. Using NSFetchedResultsController
can i have set image based on section model. Let say section model has imageName
and sectionTitle
. Based on current implementation i got <NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo>
as a section Object. Is this possible to get by custom object in section's object.
I think I know what you mean. You created a NSFetchedResultsController object passing a certain entity as an argument for sectionNameKey. So your custom section is based on this entity. This is what you mean by 'section model', I guess.
If you want to access the objects in the section, you can use the following code:
//create array for demonstration purposes
var exampleArray = [[YourEntityType]]()
for sectionInfo in fetchedResultsController.sections! {
//this will give you an array with all the objects in the section
let objectsForSection = sectionInfo.objects as! [YourEntityType]
//this will add the array above to another array, so you will have access to all the objects of all the sections
You can also use keyValue coding, like this:
//create sectionInfo variable, where 2 is the number of the section (the third section in this example
let sectionInfo = fetchedResultsController.sections![2]
//access the needed entity object from the sectionInfo
let exampleVariable = (sectionInfo.objects as! AnyObject).valueForKeyPath("yourEntity") as! YourEntityType
//access the needed attribute object from the sectionInfo
let anotherExampleVariable = (sectionInfo.objects as! AnyObject).valueForKeyPath("yourEntity.yourAttribute") as! YourAttributeType