I have just implemented async translations on my site using this guide;
They use this code to load the preferred language upon page load;
.constant('LOCALES', {
'locales': {
'en_EN': 'English',
'fr_FR': 'Français'
'preferredLocale': 'fr_FR'
I was wondering if it would be possible to do this in a route, which would then enable me to fix links to send out to people. So;
.when('/en', {
templateUrl: 'views/static/home.html',
needConnection: false,
.constant ('LOCALES', {
'prefferedLocale': 'en_EN'
I suggest you to have a value as long with the constant, the value having the prefferedLocale. Then you register in the $rootScope to listen to $routeChangeStart, and check the new route, if it starts with en/ you use the en_EN prefferedLocale in you value and use the value to translate.
Additionally, if you positively need the constant, it can be a function that returns the object with the prefferedLocale configured within the routeChange.