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Qt 5 Write Linux SysFs Entry with QFile and QDataStream

I can echo 100 > /sys/class/soft_pwm/pwm-35/duty_cycle as root just fine from the command line but I cannot get my Qt 5 code to do the same when running as root. Below is the code - what am I doing wrong? Thanks.

 * Set the PWM on the Red / Green LEDs
 * @param percent
void LedController::setLedPwm(int percent) {

    // Cap the percent
    if ( percent > 90 ) {
        percent = 90;
    if ( percent < 25 ) {
        percent = 25;

    // Scale to usable percent
    percent = abs(percent - 100);

    QFile file1("/sys/class/soft_pwm/pwm-35/duty_cycle");
    if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
        qDebug() << "LedController: Cannot set LED PWM for Red/Green LEDs [ 35 ]...";
    QDataStream in1(&file1);
    QString toWrite1 = QString("%1\n").arg(percent);
    qDebug() << "LedController: PWM Led [ 35 ]" << toWrite1;
    in1 << toWrite1;

    QFile file2("/sys/class/soft_pwm/pwm-39/duty_cycle");
    if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
        qDebug() << "LedController: Cannot set LED PWM for Red/Green LEDs [ 39 ]...";
    QDataStream in2(&file2);
    QString toWrite2 = QString("%1\n").arg(percent);
    qDebug() << "LedController: PWM Led [ 35 ]" << toWrite2;
    in2 << toWrite1;



  • QDataStream is for binary data storage. To write a text value use QTextStream.