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SQL subselect filtering based on multiple sub-rows

I have two tables, and want to extract certain columns from the first, based on 'child' data from the second.

  • I'm using SQL Anywhere 12

Table 1) Lets call it Projects

proj_id | Name  
10      | Proj_1
20      | Proj_2
30      | Proj_3
40      | Proj_4

Table 2) Lets call this one tasks

proj_id | task_id | Status
10      | 1       | Ready
10      | 2       | Cancelled
10      | 3       | Ready
20      | 1       | Complete
20      | 2       | Ready
30      | 1       | Ready
30      | 2       | Not Ready
30      | 3       | Complete
40      | 1       | Ready
40      | 2       | Ready

Want I want to do is find out which 'projects' have 'tasks' that are 'ready'.

The tricky part here is that it is OK if other tasks are Complete, but its not OK if they are anything other than complete or ready

So in other words the output should look like this:

Name   | Status
Proj_2 | Ready
Proj_4 | Ready

What I don't want in the result set is to see Proj_1 (a task was cancelled) or Proj_3 (a task is not ready)

I'm not posting any SQL, because I'm not sure if this is even possible....

Normally I would do something like this in C++ in 2 multiple statements, but in this case I need it in a single statement, as I need to pass the data to a third party printing program.


  • There are several ways to approach this type of query. I like to use aggregation with a having clause, because it is quite flexible and all the logic goes in the having clause:

    select t.proj_id
    from tasks t
    group by t.proj_id
    having sum(case when status = 'ready' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
           sum(case when status not in ('complete, 'ready') then 1 else 0 end) = 0;

    Each condition in the having clause counts the number of tasks that have a particular condition. The first counts the number of ready tasks, and the > 0 says there is at least one. The second counts the number of non-ready, non-complete counts. The = 0 says there are none.