I have file with some PHP code, like this:
foreach ($ideas as $key => $idea) {
Variable $ideas is an array of objects with type KIdea. How can I tell to Netbeans, what $idea
in foreach
will have type KIdea
It's need for the code completition.
I have try something like
* @param KIdea $ideas Description
foreach ($ideas as $key => $idea) {
and something like
foreach ($ideas as $key => $idea) {
* @var KIdea Description
but it's not helpful for the code completion.
With netbeans, you may document your variable with the following syntax :
/* @var $variable MyClass */
$variable = getSomething();
// netbeans will assume that your variable is the MyClass type and will provide code completion.
To auto-complete this string, you may use the following shortcut: type vdoc
and press Tab