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Usage of 'using' causes ObjectDisposedException in creating list of EventData

I normally send data to event hub as follows..

var encoded = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedString);
using (var edata = new EventData(encoded) { PartitionKey = mypkey })
    edata.Properties[EventDataPropertyKeys.MyKey] = myvalue;
    await _eventclient.SendAsync(edata).ConfigureAwait(false);                        

Today I thought of trying to send the data via batch and tried to create a list of EventData objects as follows..

List<EventData> eventDataList = new List<EventData>();

//in a loop
var encoded = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedString);    
using (var edata = new EventData(encoded) { PartitionKey = mypkey })
    edata.Properties[EventDataPropertyKeys.MyKey] = myvalue;

But when I check the eventdatalist objects, I find SerializedSizeInBytes property of EventData object showing

'This eventdata instance has already been disposed'

and while accessing throws..

'eventData.SerializedSizeInBytes' threw an exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException'

Any help is sincerely appreciated..



  • Because in the first code snippet, you send edata inside the using block. But in the second snippet, you put edata in a list, and after that, loop through the list and send each item after the using block, where the item edata is already disposed.