I just want to get the last_insert_id() using Ruby's Sequel:
insertret = @con.run("INSERT INTO `wv_persons` ( `id` ) VALUES ( NULL )")
pp insertret.inspect # returns "nil", expected that..
last_insert_id = @con.run("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS last_id;")
pp last_insert_id.inspect # returns "nil", should be an ID
The SELECT query should return the last_id but .run does not return it. What method should I use instead?
Solution: (thanks to Josh Lindsey)
last_insert_id = @con[:wv_persons].insert({})
last_insert_id = last_insert_id.to_s
puts "New person ["+ last_insert_id +"]"
The Dataset#insert method should return the last insert id:
Will insert the default values and return the id.
Database#run will always return nil