I've noticed that when I take a screenshot of my Android phone using hard key combinations, if I enter the Wechat application shortly after the screenshot is successfully taken and trying to send a picture to one of my friends the Wechat application will automatically popup a preview of the recently taken screenshot.
I found this quite convenient for I don't need to enter into the image selector to select the image(it's most likely that if I've taken a screenshot and then enter the Wechat's image sending page shortly after this, it's highly possible that this screenshot is what I want to send to others).
The question is, how did Wechat for Android managed to do this? Or I want to know if it's possible to locate the recently generated images in Android automatically with code, is there any APIs I can use?
Notice: For those who haven't heard of Wechat, it's a instant message application from China that is similar to Viber/WhatsApp/Kik.
If you are talking about when you take a picture, like a screenshot, and then its automatically put above the "submit" button in the chat, then I think that they simply take the latest picture of your corresponding folder according to the date.
If the last modification time is close enough then they probably suggest it in the chat.