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How to publish multiple Lightswitch HTML projects using the same data source

I am using IIS 8.5 on a 2012 Server, with Visual Studio and SQL Server on the same machine.

I have built and published one Lightswitch HTML Client, and it is working fine from web browsers. It is an internal application and is accessible/working on domain computers at http://servername/htmlclient. This is the default location where Lightswitch publishes the HTML content.

I have also built a second LS HTML project. It is completely separate but uses the same SQL data source. I cannot seem to successfully publish this project to the web, at all. I am honestly not sure if it is a Visual Studio/Lightswitch issue, an IIS issue... I am kind of lost as to why it doesn't 'just work', like the first application I published. Even given the error I am seeing when I try to publish, I am not sure how to fix the issue.

It appears to be a problem with generating a web.config file for the new project, or maybe something to do with both projects using the same data source. This is the error I get when trying to view the content of the second project in a web browser...

Error page


  • What I did to get around this was put the new site on port 8080. Simple oversight as I learn, but apparently the error was to do with that.