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Liferay Application Display Template - Get Velocity variables

I am writing an Application Display Template for an Asset Publisher in Liferay (6.2 GA5) in Freemarker and I want to display the author and the creation date. A while ago I needed the same variables for a template and I found matching Velocity variables: $reserved-article-author-name & $

To use Velocity variables in FreeMarker, I called them like this: ${.vars['reserved-article-author-name'].data}

In my Template, it works fine, in my ADT, it throws an error:

Expression .vars['reserved-article-author-name'] is undefined

How do you manage to get these variables to work in my ADT or is there an alternative way to get this information?


  • Those "reserved article" variables are only set when processing Web Content Templates.

    With ADTs you have much more fine-grained access to the displayed assets but have to use a different way of accessing, since those reserved variables aren't available. Assets have a generic set of metadata (name, date, title, etc) that you can access. For your example, the code would be:

    <#if entries?has_content>
        <#list entries as curEntry>
            Title: ${curEntry.getTitle(locale)}
            Create Date: ${curEntry.createDate?date}
            Author: ${curEntry.userName}

    Check out this Rich Summary for Asset Publisher to see how to access metadata for specific asset types (blogs, wikis, etc).