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Install Tensorflow pip wheel without internet

I do not have internet access on my linux computer therefore I installed TF from source by following TensorFlow Get Started.
I ran into a few trouble to build trainer_example due to the lack of internet connection hopefully someone from tensorflow helped me through it by creating local repositories for re2, gemmlowp, jpegsrc v9a, libpng and six and modifying WORKSPACE accordingly.
When I try to bazel build pip_package to create the wheel then I think I run into the same problem but :

-the list of repositories is insanely long (to manually install each of them) even if they seem to be mostly part of PolymerElements

Is there an easy workaround ?


  • If you are happy to create a PIP package without TensorBoard, you should be able to avoid rewriting the Polymer dependencies by removing this line ("//tensorflow/tensorbaord" in the build_pip_package dependencies) from tensorflow/tools/pip_package/BUILD.