I am creating a Windows application the will access a sharepoint website. There for I need to use Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.runtime.dll in project.
I have add them in my references but cannot use it. Can someone help me?
Please see the issue here: Issue
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
namespace WpfApplication3
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
ClientContext context = new ClientContext("http://hp");
The bottom of your screenshot tells you explicitly what is wrong. You seem to be targeting .NET 4.0 Client Profile which does not contain a reference for System.Web which is a dependency of the SharePoint Client.
Re-target your project for .NET 4.0.
If you're using Visual Studio go to Project > Properties > Application > Target Framework > Change it to 4.0 (NOT Client Profile)