I have this script that sends an email with a specific value of a cell in a spreadsheet.
function sendNotification() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell().getA1Notation();
var cellvalue = ss.getActiveCell().getValue().toString();
var spr = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var column = spr.getRange('k2');
var values = column.getValues();
var cell = sheet.getRange('k2');
var range_bill_com = sheet.getRange('k2');
if (range_bill_com.getValue() !=-1){
var recipients = "email@gmail.com";
var message = '';
var subject = 'exemplo';
var body = 'O valor previsto de Lucro/Prejuízo para hoje é de:' + values;
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
But in the email received, the format of this value is not the same as I would like , that would be in US dollars (ex: "O valor previsto de Lucro/Prejuízopara hoje é de:945.2709034832405). I tried some changes , but do not know how to get the message value in the format I want. Can anyone help me change this script?
First trim the number of decimal places, then concatenate text with a leading dollar sign.
function sendNotification() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell().getA1Notation();
var cellvalue = ss.getActiveCell().getValue().toString();
var column = ss.getRange('k2');
var value = column.getValue();
var cell = sheet.getRange('k2');
var range_bill_com = sheet.getRange('k2');
if (range_bill_com.getValue() !=-1){
var recipients = "email@gmail.com";
var message = '';
var subject = 'exemplo';
var valueFormatedAsCurrency = formatToCurrency(value);
var body = 'O valor previsto de Lucro/Prejuízo para hoje é de:' +
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
function formatToCurrency(inputArg) {
//Logger.log('typeof inputArg: ' + typeof inputArg);
var inputToNumber = Number(inputArg);
var fixedValue = inputToNumber.toFixed(2);
var valAsString = fixedValue.toString();
//Logger.log('typeof valAsString: ' + typeof valAsString);
var valAsCurrency = "$" + valAsString;
//Logger.log('valAsCurrency: ' + valAsCurrency);
return valAsCurrency;