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ezPublish: eZTemplate:elementValue: Missing array data structure, got NULL

We have received below error in the error log file:

eZTemplate:elementValue: Missing array data structure, got NULL

In the respective file have below script:

{* Load JavaScript dependencys + JavaScriptList *}

page_footer_script.tpl {if and(get_browser().majorver|le(8),get_browser().name|eq('msie'))} {ezscript_load( array(ezini( 'JavaScriptSettingsie8', 'FrontendFooterJavaScriptList', 'design.ini' ) ) )} {else} {ezscript_load( array(ezini( 'JavaScriptSettings', 'FrontendFooterJavaScriptList', 'design.ini' ) ) )} {/if}

Thanks Sunil


  • Is there same error for both conditions?

    I dont see anything wrong in that code... I think problem is somewere else... Hard to tell.

    Also try to add on the end:

    |prepend( 'ezjsc::jquery', 'ezjsc::jqueryio' )


     {ezscript_load( ezini( 'JavaScriptSettings', 'BackendJavaScriptList', 'design.ini' )|prepend( 'ezjsc::jquery', 'ezjsc::jqueryio' ) )}

    Maybe this documentation will be a hint for u: