I've got a MySQL table that records the addon titles used on various websites, including a version number. For example:
AddonName | Website ID | Version
ZZZ 1 3.3
ZZZ 2 3.4
ZZZ 3 3.4
ZZZ 4 3.1
YYY 1 1.1
YYY 2 1.1
YYY 3 1.1
YYY 4 1.2
I'd like to create a query that lists a distinct list of AddonName, with details of the total count, count of all sites using the latest version, and counts of all sites using out of date versions.
Name | Total Addons | Up to Date | Out of Date
ZZZ 4 2 2
YYY 4 1 3
I can't figure out how to get this type of data returned, even though the information is all there. I tried using JOIN queries, but didn't have any success.
If it helps make things easier, I can add a 'latest' enum field to the table, to mark rows as up-to-date or out-of-date when the are imported.
Assuming max value as latest version.
Try this:
select t1.AddonName,
count(*) as total_Addon,
sum(case when t1.version=t2.version then 1 else 0 end) as up_to_date,
sum(case when t1.version!=t2.version then 1 else 0 end) as out_of_date
from table1 t1
inner join(
select AddonName,max(version) as version
from table1 group by AddonName
)t2 on t1.AddonName=t2.AddonName
group by t1.AddonName