I am using mosquitto 1.4.5 build.
I am trying to have a separate plug-in do the ACL check for mosquitto broker's topic subscription and publish using the provided header.
Just to test the auth plug-in's integration I have just printed a message as follows with the use of provided header for mosquitto auth plug in ( mosquitto_plugin.h ).
int mosquitto_auth_acl_check(void *user_data, const char *clientid, const char *username, const char *topic, int access)
mosquitto_log_printf( MOSQ_LOG_INFO , "ACL Check called");
After making the shared object and having the config file's auth_plugin attribute changed I tried with a client simulation to see if Subscribe and Publish would call the mosquitto_auth_acl_check
What I realized is despite what it says in the provided header's comments, it never gets called for subscription.
In publishing scenario, i can see the ACL Check called message being logged, therefore can assume that it calls the function.
In subscription scenario the message is not being logged therefore i am assuming that the function is not being called.
What could be the reason for it to be not called only for subscription?
It's not currently called on subscription because of the relative difficulty of comparing a wildcard subscription against a wildcard acl.
ACLs are checked at the point when a message is about to be sent to a client, which amounts to the same thing but isn't as efficient.