It seems that Geany does not handle code in Genie programming language very well. It does not offer code folding nor specific snippets.
How to have code folding in Geany for the Genie programming language?
Does anyone has snippets to share?
In order to get code folding open up (or create) the file:
and add or edit the section [lexer_properties] to:
# Vala uses the C lexer
For the snippets, here are snippets based on Genie's tutorial. Just add them by navigating the menu to Tools>Configuration files>snippets.conf and add the following:
if=if %cursor%a > 0\n\t%cursor%
ifdo=if %cursor%a > 0 do %cursor%
else=else if %cursor% is %cursor%\n\t%cursor%
for=for var %cursor%i = 1 to 10\n\t
fordo=for %cursor%s in %cursor%args do %cursor%print s
whiledo=while %cursor% do %cursor%
while=while %cursor%\n\t%cursor%
do=%cursor%count:int = 1\ndo\n\t%cursor%print "%i", count\n\tcount++\nwhile %cursor%count <= 10
case=case %cursor%a\n\twhen %cursor%0,1,2\n\t\t%cursor%print "a is less than 3"\n\twhen %cursor%3 \n\t\t%cursor%print "a is 3"\n\tdefault\n\t\t%cursor%print "a is greater then 3"
try=try%block%\ncatch (%cursor%)%block_cursor%
def=def %cursor%(%cursor%a:%cursor%string):%cursor%Type\n\t%cursor%
class=class %cursor%Foo:%cursor%Object\n\t%cursor%i:int\n\t%cursor%init\n\t\t%cursor%print "something"\n\tfinal\n\t\t%cursor%print "finalizing"\n\tconstruct( %cursor%:%cursor% )\n\t\t%cursor%a=b
array=%cursor%tokens : array of string = {%cursor%"This", "Is", "Genie"}
list=var %cursor%l = new list of string\n%cursor%l.add()
dictstrg=var %cursor%d = new dict of string,string
dictint=var %cursor%d = new dict of string,int
try=try\n\t%cursor%fn("home/jamie/test")\nexcept %cursor%ex : %cursor%IOError\n\t%cursor%print "Error: %s", ex.message
I am just a learner, so be free to change it to your will.