I want to wrap a third party jar. Unfortunately the vendor placed one single class (a.class) with one single method into the default package.
When I try to include the resource using Include-Resource: @lib/acme-8.0.jar
, it results in the following error:
The default package '.' is not permitted by the Import-Package syntax.
This can be caused by compile errors in Eclipse because Eclipse creates valid class files regardless of compile errors.
The following package(s) import from the default package [com.acme.util]
bnd print -all acme-8.0.jar
gives me the following output (shortened, vendor name replaced with acme)
. []
com.acme.common []
com.acme.acmedrt [com.acme.acmedrt.types, com.acme.acmedrt.comm.jobtransport, com.acme.acmedrt.workflow.type
com.acme.acmedrt.impl [com.acme.acmedrt, com.acme.acmedrt.types, org.apache.commons.logging, com.acme.acmedrt.imp
l.types, com.acme.acmedrt.comm.jobtransport, com.acme.acmedrt.pool, org.apache.commons.pool, com.acme.acmedrt.workflow.types]
com.acme.acmedrt.impl.types [com.acme.acmedrt.types, com.acme.acmedrt, com.acme.acmedrt.impl, org.xml.sax]
com.acme.acmedrt.notification [com.acme.acmedrt]
com.acme.acmedrt.pool [com.acme.acmedrt, com.acme.acmedrt.impl.types, com.acme.acmedrt.impl, com.acme.acmedrt.types,
org.apache.commons.pool, com.acme.acmedrt.workflow.types]
com.acme.acmedrt.types [com.acme.acmedrt, com.acme.common]
com.acme.acmedrt.util []
com.acme.acmedrt.workflow.types [com.acme.common]
com.acme.tools []
com.acme.util []
com.acme.util.xml []
com <no contents>
com/acme <no contents>
If I understand this output correctly, several packages use the default package. How is that even possible? As far is I know, you can not import classes from the default package.
I already contacted the vendor with the request to move the offending class. Chances are, that he will not follow my suggestion.
Is there a workaround to handle classes in the default package?
You probably can get away with the following option:
-fixupmessages: "The default package "