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'if / else' construction in Reactive Cocoa

I want to create if/else construction by Reactive Cocoa. I have the code : enter image description here

In that construction called rac_testYES signal, but it's something strange because if:[RACSignal return:@0] returnNO. Why call rac_testYES method?


  • This code works as expected. If you change the if statement to [RACSignal return:@1] then YES will be printed.


    The both methods are called because they are just a parameters for [RACSignal if:then:else:] method.

    ReactivCocoa will call subscribeNext/subscribeComplited for the provided signal according to if if signal return YES or NO.

    So if you wan do sth for YES:

    -(RACSignal)rac_testYES {
        return [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable *(id <RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
            //do sth
            [subscriber sendNext:@"YES"];
            [subscriber sendComplited]; 