I'm using VS2015 Update 1 to try and debug my site which I've uploaded in Debug mode to an Azure web app (NOT a vm). I am working from my work domain.
I've been following instructions similar to found here https://samlman.wordpress.com/2015/02/27/another-cool-way-to-remotely-debug-azure-web-sites/
I have:
I have tried right clicking my app service in Server Explorer and "Attach Debugger".
I then tried to connect using Debug > Attach to process and using the qualifier mysite.azurewebsites.net as instructed on various blogs. Even tried transport as Websocket, Remote as well as Default.
All methods get me the following:
I then used Fiddler to see if I could find the answer from web traffic but no joy with that.
Would appreciate any suggestions to get me around this problem!
Edit Under scm -
There was another firewall I wasn't aware of on the domain that was blocking the debugger.
Ports requested outbound: