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Timeboxing NUnit Unit Tests

I've inherited a codebase which has had some bad check-ins -- some of the unit tests are completely hanging and I can't run the entire unit test suite because it will always get stuck on specific tests. -- I would like to take an inventory of those tests that are now hanging.

What's the right way to set a global timeout on all of my tests such that each one is timeboxed to a specific amount of time. (i.e. if I set it to 1 minute, and a test takes 61 seconds, that test is automatically aborted and marked as failed? -- The test runner should then move on to the next test immediately.)

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, NUnit 2.6.4, and the NUnit 2.x Test Adapter for Visual Studio.


  • I believe it is timeout that you want to use here.


    [Test, Timeout(2000)]
    public void PotentiallyLongRunningTest()

    The NUnit documentation seems to indicate it can be set at an assembly level. In AssemblyInfo.cs:


    using NUnit.Framework; 


    [assembly: Timeout(1000)]