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Create and Share Bucket in gcloud storage using Node.js Client

I need to create and share a bucket in gcloud storage using Node.js Client.

This is my code

 Bucket.createNewBucket = function (request, callBack) {
    // code for create a new bucket
    var bucketName = request.body.bucketName;

    gcs.createBucket(bucketName, function (err, bucket) {
        if (!err) {
            console.log("created bucket successfully");
            var bucketadded = gcs.bucket(bucketName);
                entity: '[email protected]',
                role: 'READER'
            }, function (err, aclObject) {
                if (!err) {console.log("acl added successfully");
            callBack(null, true);
        } else {
            callBack("Error with bucket creation. Error: " + err, true);

Using this code, I am successfully able to create a bucket in google storage. But I can't add acl permission to the bucket.

i got error like this

{ [ApiError: Invalid Value]
  errors: [ { domain: 'global', reason: 'invalid', message: 'Invalid Value' } ],
  code: 400,
  message: 'Invalid Value',
  response: undefined }


  • use this

    entity: '[email protected]'

    instead of

    entity: '[email protected]'