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How to rename a lot files with a loop?

I want to rename 420 files with a loop, but I don't know how.

In my project I created 420 images with fopen();

fopen($meal->imagepath, "w");

Since fopen searches for a existing file and I didn't had these, the function created my 420 files via a loop and they have the correct names. The problem now is, that these images have no properties like height, width or background-color.

Therefore I would like to create one file manually in paint and copy this file 420 times and then rename them by refering on a txt file with my 420 correct names. I think this should be possible, but how?

Thanks you


  • Since this sounds like a one-shot thing I leave out the error handling

    php directly copying the files

    foreach( file('names.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) as $target)
        copy('source.png', $target);

    see also: ,

    php creating a batch file:

    file_put_contents('', '#!/bin/bash');
    foreach( file('names.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) as $target)
        file_put_contents('', "cp source.png $target\r\n", FILE_APPEND);

    see also:

    shell/xargs only:

    <source.txt xargs -L 1 cp source.png

    see also:


    gc .\source.txt | %{ copy source.png $_ }

    see also: Using the Get-Content Cmdlet