I have 1000s of sensors, I need to partition the data (i.e. per sensor per day) then submit each list of data points to an R algorithm). Using Spark, simplified sample looks like:
val rddData = List(
("1:3", List(1,1,456,1,1,2,480,0,1,3,425,0)),
("1:4", List(1,4,437,1,1,5,490,0)),
("1:6", List(1,6,500,0,1,7,515,1,1,8,517,0,1,9,522,0,1,10,525,0)),
("1:11", List(1,11,610,1))
case class DataPoint(
key: String,
value: List[Int]) // 4 value pattern, sensorID:seq#, seq#, value, state
I convert to a parquet file, save it. Load the parquet in SparkR, no problem, the schema says:
df <- read.df(sqlContext, filespec, "parquet")
|-name = "key", type = "StringType", nullable = TRUE
|-name = "value", type = "ArrayType(IntegerType,true)", nullable = TRUE
So in SparkR, I have a dataframe where each record has all of the data I want (df$value). I want to extract that array into something R can consume then mutate my original dataframe(df) with a new column holding the resultant array. Logically something like results = function(df$value). Then I need to get results (for all rows) back into a SparkR dataframe for output.
How to I extract an array from the SparkR dataframe then mutate with the results?
Let spark data frame be, df
and R data frame be df_r
To convert sparkR df to R df, use code
df_r <- collect(df)
with R data frame df_r
, you can do all computations you want to do in R.
let say you have the result in column df_r$result
Then for converting back to SparkR data frame use code,
#this is a new SparkR data frame, df_1
df_1 <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, df_r)
For adding the result back to SparkR data frame `df` use code
#this adds the df_1$result to a new column df$result
#note that number of rows should be same in df and `df_1`, if not use `join` operation
df$result <- df_1$result
Hope this solves your problem