The instructions for setting up Payment Data Transfer (PDT) among PayPal's Developer documentation speak about configuring a Return URL:
...This information is sent to the Return URL you specified in your PayPal account profile
Further down the page it gives more information about how to configure a "Return URL" for a PayPal account, but I can't find any correspondence with the user interface for my Sandbox account (or any of my "Sandbox Test Accounts").
When I select the Profile page for one of my (business) Sandbox Test Accounts there are four tabs of options available:
...none of these list a "Return URL" field.
Does anyone know where this field may be found?
Thank you in advance.
Edit: adding screenshot of Sandbox PayPal account page and Profile drop-down menu (all items in the drop-down menu return navigation to the same page shown in the screenshot!)
For that you have to:
1. go to
2. log in using one of your testing accounts
3. Under profile select "My Selling tools"
4. In "Website preferences" click "update"
5. Here you can set the Return URL
(this is probably the url to access after you log in:
For live accounts is basically the same process.