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Cannot understand why MonoFoldable for my type doesn't compile, or the error message

I have the following code:

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies #-}

module AI.Analysis.Rules where

import ClassyPrelude

-- Our set of rules

data RuleSet a = RuleSet [Rule a] [Rule a]
  deriving (Eq)

mkRuleSet :: (Ord a) => [Rule a] -> RuleSet a
mkRuleSet rules = uncurry RuleSet (partition isStandard uniques)
  where uniques = ordNub rules
        isStandard x = case x of
          Standard _ _ -> True
          LastResort _ -> False

instance (Show a) => Show (RuleSet a) where
  show (RuleSet s l) = unlines [toLines s, "----", toLines l]
    where toLines = unlines . fmap show

instance (Ord a) => Monoid (RuleSet a) where
  mempty = RuleSet [] []
  mappend (RuleSet s1 l1) (RuleSet s2 l2) = RuleSet (ordNub (s1 ++ s2)) (ordNub (l1 ++ l2))

instance (Ord a) => Semigroup (RuleSet a) where
  (<>) = mappend

type instance Element (RuleSet a) = (Rule a)

instance MonoFoldable (RuleSet a) --this is unhappy

-- A rule in our system
-- For now, we assume rules *individually* are always internally-consistent

data Rule a = Standard [a] a | LastResort a
  deriving (Eq)

mkRule :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> a -> Rule a
mkRule as c = case as of
  [] -> LastResort c
  _ -> Standard ((sort . ordNub) as) c

-- Last-resort rules and standard rules cannot be compared for consistency
mutuallyConsistent :: (Eq a) => Rule a -> Rule a -> Maybe Bool
mutuallyConsistent (LastResort c1) (LastResort c2) = Just (c1 == c2)
mutuallyConsistent (Standard as1 c1) (Standard as2 c2) = Just ((as1 /= as2) || (c1 == c2))
mutuallyConsistent _ _ = Nothing

instance (Show a) => Show (Rule a) where
  show x = case x of
    Standard as c -> formatAnd as ++ " -> " ++ show c
    LastResort c -> "-> " ++ show c
     where formatAnd = unwords . intersperse "^" . map show . otoList

 -- LastResort rules are always ordered smaller than standard ones
 instance (Ord a) => Ord (Rule a) where
   (<=) (LastResort _) (Standard _ _) = True
   (<=) (Standard _ _) (LastResort _) = False
   (<=) (LastResort c1) (LastResort c2) = c1 <= c2
   (<=) (Standard as1 c1) (Standard as2 c2) = (as1 <= as2) || (c1 <= c2)

However, I get the following error from the compiler, whose meaning I am having trouble understanding:

    Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘Rule a’
      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
          the instance declaration
          at /home/koz/documents/uni/research/summer-research-2015/clinical/rules-analysis/src/AI/Analysis/Rules.hs:47:10
    Expected type: Element (RuleSet a)
      Actual type: a
    Relevant bindings include
      ofoldMap :: (Element (RuleSet a) -> m) -> RuleSet a -> m
        (bound at /home/koz/documents/uni/research/summer-research-2015/clinical/rules-analysis/src/AI/Analysis/Rules.hs:47:10)
    In the expression:
    In an equation for ‘ofoldMap’:
          = mono-traversable-$gdmofoldMap
    In the instance declaration for ‘MonoFoldable (RuleSet a)’

Near as I can tell, my thinking seems to make sense - after all, a RuleSet is just a container for Rules, which should allow for foldability, but the error message in question doesn't make any sense to me. Could someone please clarify what I failed to grasp here?


  • Have you tried actually implementing the class? It appears there is some oddity with the default definitions and your type family. If you define at least the below then the file type checks:

    instance MonoFoldable (RuleSet a) where --this is unhappy
        ofoldl1Ex' = undefined
        ofoldr1Ex  = undefined
        ofoldl'    = undefined
        ofoldr     = undefined
        ofoldMap   = undefined

    EDIT: The classy prelude, which I now know I will never use, has default implementations and type signatures that include the constraints t a ~ mono, a ~ Element (t a). Working carefully since I had to think twice here. t a ~ RuleSet a0 so t == RuleSet and a == a0. Then a ~ Element (RuleSet a), which is your exact error in the message, would suggest a ~ Rule a and that just isn't right.