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jQuery UI Droppable - storing element order in input field

Link of setup:

Can see full working example using link above. The plan is to store the order of the links into a input field so that it can be saved to a database.

Currently have the IDs pulling into the input field, but only the latest ID is shown. Is there a way to make this an array of stored variables, shown in the order that they are in the droppable elements, separated by a comma?


    connectToSortable: ".social-msl-group-list",
    revert: "invalid",
    helper: "clone"

var orderMSLids = [];
$(".social-msl-links-order li").droppable({
    accept: ".social-msl-link-label",
    tolerance: 'pointer',
    greedy: true,
    hoverClass: 'highlight',
    drop: function(ev, ui) {
        orderMSLids = [];
          position: 'relative',
          top: 'auto',
          left: 'auto'


        $(this).siblings().filter(function() {
          return $(this).text().trim() === $(ui.draggable).text().trim();


  • I modified your jsFiddle.

    as you can see, the logic I applied, is to go through all the items in the list which clones the dragged elements, so I pick them up and all in the right order.

    creating an array of the ids, then do a join, sandwiching the coma.

    I hope it helps you.

    Your removed code:


    My code:

    // edited
    str = [];
    $(".social-msl-links-order li").each(function( index ) {
      //console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).children().attr('id') );
      var res = $( this ).children().attr('id');
      if (res) {
    var string = str.join(",");

    Working JSFinddle


    here you have complete resolve.

    More code added

    $(this).empty(); // added to remove previous content

    Complete Working JSFinddle