I'm writing Python scripts for Blender for a project, but I'm pretty new to the language. Something I am confused about is the usage of static variables. Here is the piece of code I am currently working on:
class panelToggle(bpy.types.Operator):
active = False
def invoke(self, context, event):
self.active = not self.active
class OBJECT_OT_openConstraintPanel(panelToggle):
bl_label = "openConstraintPanel"
bl_idname = "openConstraintPanel"
The idea is that the second class should inherit the active variable and the invoke method from the first, so that calling OBJECT_OT_openConstraintPanel.invoke() changes OBJECT_OT_openConstraintPanel.active. Using self as I did above won't work however, and neither does using panelToggle instead. Any idea of how I go about this?
use type(self)
for access to class attributes
>>> class A(object):
var = 2
def write(self):
>>> class B(A):
>>> B().write()
>>> B.var = 3
>>> B().write()
>>> A().write()
for a classmethod
is event easier, and most natural
class A(object):
var = 2
def write(cls):
and a staticmethod
should not depend on the instance type, so such form of dispatch is possible here