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How to start with ServiceMix and activeMQ

I wanted to start with apache ServiceMix and ActiveMQ a larger project that should grow step by step. I have experience with ActiveMQ, camel and tomcat. Also I have read a lot about ServiceMix, but I am failing by doing the first step that is simple (I think) but not really documented somewhere:

I wanted to start my maven project so that maven will deploy my project into a standard ServiceMix installation where the first thing is only to add the following configuration the ActiveMQ of ServiceMix:

   <transportConnector name="mqtt+nio" uri="mqtt+nio://localhost:1883"/>

My expectation is that I could do it in the same way as I deploy tomcat projects to a Tomcat container.

How can I do thais (directory structure, maven pom) - or is it impossible?


  • If you like to deploy your bundle to standalone ServiceMix, you can copy file of your created bundle to $KARAF_HOME/deploy folder. This can be done using maven.

    More information about deployers can be found here:

    You can use camel-maven-plugin for debugging from IDE

    Read about camel:run goal