I've created a simple notification using NotificationCompat
Following is my code
NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext);
.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle())
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
notificationManager.notify(mNotificationId, mBuilder.build());
Here is the output on my device.
My icon does not have the blue gradient background. The icon is a png that contains only the white USB symbol.
I'm suspecting that the background is being added by system.
Now my question is, how I can prevent this kind of modifications.
My device is running KitKat 4.4.4
If you do not specify a 'large' icon, the system displays the 'small' icon with a standard background, the blue gradient in your case.
You can set a custom image with setLargeIcon()
where you can specify a Bitmap that is shown instead of the default icon. Note: The large icon should have a size of 64x64dp. Refer to this answer for a concrete example.
Since Android 5.0 you could alternatively use setColor()
which will set the background color behind the icon. But that obviously won't work for you on Android 4.4.