If I plug in a coords into Geocoder, for example Lat:88, Lng:88 the response will be nil. This is correct
2.2.3 :001 > Geocoder.address([88, 88])
Geocoder: HTTP request being made for https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=&language=en&latlng=88%2C88&sensor=false
=> nil
But if I'm over my Daily or Request Per Second Query Limit or there is no internet connection the response will also be nil, ...lets say for a real coords like NYC ( lat:40.7127, lng:-74.0059)
2.2.3 :002 > Geocoder.address([40.7127, -74])
Geocoder: HTTP request being made for https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=&language=en&latlng=40.7127%2C-74&sensor=false
Geocoding API connection cannot be established.
=> nil
Is there a way to determine if it's a real coords with a nil address or a API/Internet issue?
Look in the Error Handling section of Geocoder's github readme
Geocoder.configure(:always_raise => :all)
is what you're looking for.