I used the Dynatrace auto-instrumentor command on my Android apk file
auto-instrumentor.cmd apk <apk file> prop <APK-Instr.properties>
and then signed it with my keystore.
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore mykeystore.keystore myApp.apk aliasname
Finally I zip align it using the below command:
zipalign -f -v 4 AppFile.apk AppFile2.apk
But when I try to install the file, I get a parsing error:
There is a problem parsing the package.
Note: I have been able to successfully verify the jar using the below command:
jarsigner -verify -keystore mystore.keystore AppFile.apk
But still get the parsing error!
Try using changing the hash algorithms and retrying. You may use either SHA2 or SHA256 as a start.
Note that SHA1 is being deprecated by browsers.