I have the following code:
main_cols <- c('num', 'let')
dt <- data.table(num = 1:5, let = letters[1:5])
new_dt <- dt[CJ(num = num
, let = let
, unique = TRUE)
, on = main_cols
head(new_dt, 10)
The thing is: I want to pass the columns to cross-join on as a vector. How do I “unpack” main_cols
inside the CJ
function? Thanks.
I think you'll want to use do.call
, as @AnandaMahto suggested:
m = dt[, do.call(CJ, .SD), .SDcols=main_cols]
dt[m, on=main_cols]
You could also create m
this way:
m = do.call(CJ, dt[,main_cols,with=FALSE])
If you have repeating values in the columns, use the unique
option to CJ
m = dt[, do.call(CJ, c(.SD, unique=TRUE)), .SDcols=main_cols]
# or
m = do.call(CJ, c(dt[,main_cols,with=FALSE], unique=TRUE))