I wrote a small fiddler (Fiddler Web Debugger (v4.6.2.0)) extension using C#.net. Extension starts to work, but I need to debug the code to identify a bug that fires. What I did is putting the .dll in fiddler script folder and it works. But i dont know how to debug in such cases.
Can someone point me to the steps to debug a fiddler extension?
Thank you
I've not tried this with fiddler, but it might help. This is how I debug some of my APIs.
In Visual Studio you can attach the debugger to a process via the Debug menu.
No guarantees that this will work but it's the first thing to try, good luck!
Edit: it may help to run fiddler and/or visual studio with administrator rights. Also, the .PDB files will be in the Debug folder next to the DLL in your solution folder.