I have a Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu and a local personal Ubuntu computer. I use the default VPC configuration for my EC2 instance and didn't block any internet traffic from the firewall.
I can telnet Google.com 80 and Ping Google.com on my EC2 instance which means I have internet connection to the outside. I try to run
telnet nebraskalegislature.gov 80
on both machine. It succeed on my own Ubuntu
Trying Connected to nebraskalegislature.gov.
but it time out on my EC2 Instance
Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out
I try to run dig
on both machine.
It has one answer from my own machine but there is no answer on EC2 instance.It looks like a DNS issue
Does anybody can help me this question? Please don't block me again. I am trying to ask a good question.
After I test their website connection on all Amazon EC2 subnets, I think it is their internal bugs. I test two websites which are http://legislature.vermont.gov/ and http://nebraskalegislature.gov/. The result is as following:
For http://legislature.vermont.gov/
For http://nebraskalegislature.gov/
For other region like Oregon and California. There are also some issue on their subnet which is not clearHuman beings create machine and also create bugs because of human nature