I'm trying to parse a string which will have some markdown style delimiters in it. I need a list back with the styles. I've given it a go with pyparsing and have had some success, but feel there is probably a better method (basically using the post by mbeaches at http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/).
Essentially, if I have a string
word_paragraph = "This is **bold** and this is *italic* sample"
I'd like to return a list of tuples after providing:
style_delim = {'Bold': '**', 'Italics':'*', }
word_pg_parsed = somefunction(word_paragraph,style_delim)
which would result in word_pg_parsed as something like:
word_pg_parsed = [('Normal','This is '),('Bold','bold'),('Normal','and this is '),('Italics','italic'),('Normal',' sample')]
I've looked into markdown, but can't find where this functionality exists. I suspect there is a library (dug into PLY but couldn't find what I am after) that handles this properly.
Why? I'm attempting to create a word file using python-docx file including some text from some marked up text and need to handle the inline character styles accordingly. Is there something in python-markdown or other library anyone has seen that does this?
In the event someone is looking to do this, here's what I found. Many thanks to Waylan for pointing me to mistune and to lepture for the library.
The default_output method was replaced with placeholder. That's the one you need to override to get the list instead of a string. Referenced here: https://github.com/lepture/mistune/pull/20
Basically follow what is in the test case at: https://github.com/lepture/mistune/blob/878f92bdb224a8b7830e8c33952bd2f368e5d711/tests/test_subclassing.py The getattribute is indeed required, otherwise you'll errors about string functions being called on a list.
Look for TokenTreeRenderer in the test_subclassing.py.
Repeating here in a django views.py for my working sample:
from django.shortcuts import render
from .forms import ParseForm # simple form with textarea field called markup
import mistune
class TokenTreeRenderer(mistune.Renderer):
# options is required
options = {}
def placeholder(self):
return []
def __getattribute__(self, name):
"""Saves the arguments to each Markdown handling method."""
found = TokenTreeRenderer.__dict__.get(name)
if found is not None:
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def fake_method(*args, **kwargs):
return [(name, args, kwargs)]
return fake_method
def parse(request):
context = {}
if request.method == 'POST':
parse_form = ParseForm(request.POST)
if parse_form.is_valid():
# parse the data
markdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=TokenTreeRenderer())
tokenized = markdown(parse_form.cleaned_data['markup'])
context.update({'tokenized': tokenized, })
# no need for a redirect in this case
parse_form = ParseForm(initial={'markup': 'This is a **bold** text sample', })
context.update({'form': parse_form, })
return render(request, 'mctests/parse.html', context)
This results in output of:
[('paragraph', ([('text', (u'This is a ',), {}), ('double_emphasis', ([('text', (u'bold',), {})],), {}), ('text', (u' text sample',), {})],), {})]
which works great for me.