Search code examples

Rails .where query not working

I have a table called Toys that has the columns toy_id, company_id, store_id, name and description

I am trying to do a query on the table like the following: toys ="store_id = ? AND (name LIKE ? OR description LIKE ?)", params[:store_id], params[:query], params[:query]

The idea is if the user goes to the following url:"robot" that it will return all the toys for the store denoted by store_id that have a name or description LIKE robot. Each time it returns empty JSON. Not exactly sure why? Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


  • Refer to the first comment in the original question by @PardeepDhingra

    toys ="store_id = ? AND (name LIKE ? OR description LIKE ?)", params[:store_id], "%#{params[:query]}%", "%#{params[:query]}%"