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Creating a pop-up dialog in QtQuick 1.1

I am trying to implement a pop-up confirmation box in an application using QtQuick 1.1, this means I dont have access to QtQuick Dialogs. How would I go about implementing this? I couldn't find anything in the documentation


  • You can render your QML application unto QWidget, register this widget as context object, and expose static methods of QMessageBox to generate a dialog:

    class QmlWidget : public QQuickWidget // or QWidget + QQuickView combination
        void warning(const QString& title, const QString& message, ...)
            QMessageBox::warning(this, title, message, ...);
    int main()
        QmlWidget w;
        auto engine = w.engine();
        auto ctx = engine.rootContext();
        // expose w to qml
        ctx->setContextProperty("qmlwidget", &w);;
        return app.exec();

    In QML:

    Item {
        Component.onCompleted: qmlwidget.warning()

    Or you can simply write a screen blocking Rectangle with Text items and buttons. Or simply upgrade your application into QtQuick 2.x!