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Decrypting zip file encrypted by gpg

When i am trying to decrypt this file in shell using cmd below:


After giving the pass I am getting decrypted file "" in same folder but using python script I am not able to get the decrypted file. No error occurs, any idea on what I'm doing wrong ?

import gnupg

def testgpg():    
    print "testgpg function started"

    encrypted_file = ""
    passwd = "passwd"
    gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/home/centos/.gnupg')
        print "trying"
        gpg.decrypt(encrypted_file, passphrase=passwd)
        print "decrypted"
    except Exception as e:
        print "not decrypted: -->", str(e)



  • See the docs for gnupg:

    To decrypt a message, use the following approach:
    >>> decrypted_data = gpg.decrypt(data)

    The module doesn't decrypt the file and save it in the same directory as the original file like the gpg binary. Instead it returns a string of the decrypted data.

    However, you also have another problem. gpg.decrypt() is trying to decrypt the value stored in encrpyted_file, which of course is just the string "". Instead, you want to decrypt the contents of the file with that name. For that, you need to use gpg.decrypt_file() like so:

    # Open the encrypted file (gpg will handle reading it)
    with open(encrypted_file, 'rb') as src:
        # decrypt the file and store its decrypted contents
        decrypted_contents = gpg.decrypt_file(src, passphrase=passwd)
        # write the decrypted contents to a new file
        with open('', 'wb') as dst: