I have a PJSIP library used in my android based csipsimple application. Everything is working fine except one issue. When i turn on speaker there are lots of echo/noise in the call and it impossible to have conversation. What could be an issue and how to deals with this?
A simple google search returns the XDA thread which says the possible cause and the solution.
I quote the answer given by gtj0
In CSipSimple, go to Settings, press the Menu button and set Expert Mode. Then in Settings, Media...set
- Echo cancellation on
- Echo mode to WebRTC
- Noise reduction on
- Clock rate to 16khz
Scroll to the bottom and select Audio troubleshooting then set
- Use WebRTC implementation on
- Restart stream when change routing on
- Audio implementation to OpenSL-ES
You can also try different settings for Audio mode for SIP calls. IN_CALL seems to work for me.
Hope this helps.