I'm wondering if its possible to create a grails domain object, but only have it persist on command as opposed as when we do operations on it.
To be more precise, this is what I have to do now:
Foo foo = new Foo(name:"asdf")
Bar bar = new Bar(name:"gzxj")
bar.save() // persist here
foo.save() // persist here
foo.addToBars(bar) // now I have to build the relationship
What I want:
Foo foo = new Foo(name:"asdf")
Bar bar = new Bar(name:"gzxj")
foo.addToBars(bar) // just build the relationship
bar.save() // would be great to ignore this step
foo.save() // can I now atomically build both objects and create the relationships?
My impressions is that the latter would be far faster if there are many relationships to associate. Am I really just wanting NoSQL here?
Depending on how you have your relationships set up, this is entirely possible. It really has nothing to do with what database you have implemented.
Parent class
class Foo {
String name
static hasMany = [bars: Bar]
Child class
class Bar {
String name
Foo foo //optional back reference
static belongsTo = Foo
Foo foo = new Foo(name: 'a')
Bar bar = new Bar(name: 'b')
//or even more terse
Foo foo = new Foo(name: 'c')
foo.addToBars(new Bar(name: 'd'))
The key is the belongsTo
which defaults to a cascade
of all
. This can be explicitly set as well:
class Foo {
String name
static hasMany = [bars: Bar]
static mapping = {
bars cascade: 'all'