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Adding numbers to similar names in Perl

I am trying to convert a blast file to gff3 using Perl and I am quite new to programming since I'm doing science. My current code is below:

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;

my $db = "BLAST";
my $prog = "blastn";
my $subid = "";

open(my $inFile, $ARGV[0]) || die "Could not open file '$ARGV[0]' $!";
open(my $outFile, ">$ARGV[1]") || die "Could not find file '>$ARGV[1]' $!";

print $outFile "##gff-version 3\n#\n#\n";


    my ($qseqid, $sseqid, $pident, $length, $mismatch, $gaps, $qstart, $qend, $sstart, $send, $evalue, $bitscore) = split(/\t/);

    if($qstart < $qend){
        $sign = "+";
    } elsif($qstart > $qend){
        $sign = "-";
    } else {
        die "Unexpected qstart and end";

    $bitscore =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;

    print $outFile "$sseqid\t$db\t$prog\t$qstart\t$qend\t$bitscore\t$sign\t.\t$subid\n";

I have an output of

scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  1       3954    7302    +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1
scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  4178    6577    4433    +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1
scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  3953    4114    300     +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1
scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  4115    4178    119     +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1
scf_62525_1067.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1       1665    3075    +   .   scf_62525_1067.contig_1
scf_62525_163.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  7       357     612     +   .   scf_62525_163.contig_1
scf_62525_4028.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1       1321    2436    +   .   scf_62525_4028.contig_1
scf_62525_4028.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1319    2231    1687    +   .   scf_62525_4028.contig_1
scf_62525_4028.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1275    1321    87.9    +   .   scf_62525_4028.contig_1

and I want to change it to this output

scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  1       3954    7302    +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1.t1.d1
scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  4178    6577    4433    +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1.t1.d2
scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  3953    4114    300     +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1.t1.d3
scf_62525_290.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  4115    4178    119     +   .   scf_62525_290.contig_1.t1.d4
scf_62525_1067.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1       1665    3075    +   .   scf_62525_1067.contig_1.t1.d1
scf_62525_163.contig_1  BLAST   blastn  7       357     612     +   .   scf_62525_163.contig_1.t1.d1
scf_62525_4028.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1       1321    2436    +   .   scf_62525_4028.contig_1.t1.d1
scf_62525_4028.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1319    2231    1687    +   .   scf_62525_4028.contig_1.t1.d2
scf_62525_4028.contig_1 BLAST   blastn  1275    1321    87.9    +   .   scf_62525_4028.contig_1.t1.d3

Is there a simple way of doing so? Thanks.

Here's some sample input:

Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  3954    0   0   1   3954    23690   27643   0.0 7302
Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  2400    0   0   4178    6577    28076   30475   0.0 4433
Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  162 0   0   3953    4114    27722   27883   1e-79   300
Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  64  0   0   4115    4178    27957   28020   4e-25   119
Ppluv_s011067g00001.1   scf_62525_1067.contig_1 100.00  1665    0   0   1   1665    4944    6608    0.0 3075
Ppluv_s010163g00001.1   scf_62525_163.contig_1  97.77   359 0   8   7   357 797 439 8e-175  612
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_4028.contig_1 100.00  1321    0   0   1   1321    2322    1002    0.0 2436
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_4028.contig_1 100.00  913 0   0   1319    2231    924 12  0.0 1687
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_4028.contig_1 100.00  47  0   0   1275    1321    992 946 4e-16   87.9
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_3545.contig_1 79.23   1343    241 38  1   1321    1   1327    0.0 902
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_1712.contig_1 74.27   1951    403 99  340 2227    3076    4990    0.0 732
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_817.contig_1  82.74   730 87  39  1378    2105    23175   22483   2e-174  614
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_177.contig_1  76.37   804 178 12  1320    2117    29453   28656   1e-116  422
Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_177.contig_1  75.28   615 134 18  1326    1937    36037   35438   2e-73   278


  • Use a hash of hashes to keep track of how many times you've seen each ID pair:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $db = "BLAST";
    my $prog = "blastn";
    my %unique;
    print "##gff-version 3\n#\n#\n";
    while (<DATA>) {
        my @fields = split;
        my $sseqid   = $fields[1];
        my $qstart   = $fields[6];
        my $qend     = $fields[7];
        my $bitscore = $fields[11];
        my $sign;
        if ($qstart < $qend) {
            $sign = "+";
        } elsif ($qstart > $qend) {
            $sign = "-";
        } else {
            die "Unexpected qstart and end";
        my @id_parts = split(/[_.]/, $sseqid);
        my $sub_id = ++$unique{$id_parts[1]}{$id_parts[2]};
        print join("\t", $sseqid, $db, $prog, $qstart, $qend, $bitscore, $sign, '.', "$sseqid.$sub_id"), "\n";
    Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  3954    0   0   1   3954    23690   27643   0.0 7302
    Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  2400    0   0   4178    6577    28076   30475   0.0 4433
    Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  162 0   0   3953    4114    27722   27883   1e-79   300
    Ppluv_s010290g00001.1   scf_62525_290.contig_1  100.00  64  0   0   4115    4178    27957   28020   4e-25   119
    Ppluv_s011067g00001.1   scf_62525_1067.contig_1 100.00  1665    0   0   1   1665    4944    6608    0.0 3075
    Ppluv_s010163g00001.1   scf_62525_163.contig_1  97.77   359 0   8   7   357 797 439 8e-175  612
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_4028.contig_1 100.00  1321    0   0   1   1321    2322    1002    0.0 2436
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_4028.contig_1 100.00  913 0   0   1319    2231    924 12  0.0 1687
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_4028.contig_1 100.00  47  0   0   1275    1321    992 946 4e-16   87.9
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_3545.contig_1 79.23   1343    241 38  1   1321    1   1327    0.0 902
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_1712.contig_1 74.27   1951    403 99  340 2227    3076    4990    0.0 732
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_817.contig_1  82.74   730 87  39  1378    2105    23175   22483   2e-174  614
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_177.contig_1  76.37   804 178 12  1320    2117    29453   28656   1e-116  422
    Ppluv_s014028g00001.1   scf_62525_177.contig_1  75.28   615 134 18  1326    1937    36037   35438   2e-73   278