In an Applescript applet, progress can be shown like so:
set progress description to "A simple progress indicator"
set progress additional description to "Preparing…"
set progress total steps to -1
delay 5
set progress total steps to 100
repeat with i from 1 to 100
set progress additional description to "I am on step " & i
set progress completed steps to i
delay 0.2
on error thisErr
display alert thisErr
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
How would you access progress description
, progress additional description
, and progress total steps
in Javascript for Automation (JXA)?
See Progress
in this page -->
An example of script using the Progress
Progress.description = "A simple progress indicator"
Progress.additionalDescription = "Preparing…"
Progress.totalUnitCount = 100;
for (var i = 1; i < 101; i++) {
Progress.additionalDescription = "I am on step " + i
Progress.completedUnitCount = i