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runOnUiThread settext only works at the first time during a loop

I have an ArrayList of Textviews populated by an expandListAdpater, my goal is to change the values of the textViews, but for some reason it works only once. I tried different timers, tried to tie my handler to the ui thread, it never works. here is my code. Please help! Expandlistadapter…

TextView mytexts= ButterKnife.findById(view,;
mySubSections.add(new ConstructForKeepingTextviewsForUpdate(mytexts));
// I got about 10 more textviews , this is an example

public class ConstructForKeepingTextviewsForUpdate {
    private TextView getTextviewToBeUpdated() {
        return textviewToBeUpdated;

    public void SetVal(String t){

    TextView textviewToBeUpdated;

    public ConstructForKeepingTextviewsForUpdate(TextView textviewToBeUpdated) {
        this.textviewToBeUpdated = textviewToBeUpdated;


in onCreate I run this

private void pleaseWork(){
    new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {

        public void run() {
            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
    }, 0, 1000);

public static void updateNumbersInLoop() {
    for (ConstructForKeepingTextviewsForUpdate subSec : mySubSections){
       String datext = dbHelper.getValue (computedValue);
//The getValue function works , I can see the correct value, but the settext works only once, at the first time.


  • Actaully as I played with the code, asyncTask gave the same result. Apparently you can't pass textview as an object, for some reason. So what actually works is

    TextView myTextV=  (TextView) findViewById(ConstructForKeepingTextviewsForUpdate.getItsID());
    myTextV.setText("anything you like");

    what you should do is pass the id as integer.