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zip excel files from the server for download

I'm trying to use jszip.js to bundle multiple excel files from the server which should be downloaded together as a zip file on click.

When I just try to replace the demo script, I can create a zip file, but it is empty.

When I put two files in the zip.file, than the first one appears in the zip, but it is corrupted. Like:

var zip = new JSZip();
zip.file('http://website/file1.xlsx', 'http://website/file2.xlsx');
var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"});
saveAs(content, "");

So I should put the name of the file on the first position and than the location of the file, but than I have to access it on an other way...

I think I just don't check how the API works.

It would be great to get an example with at least two files which are hosted on a server...


  • JSZip can't download content but you can use a XHR (with xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer") or JSZipUtils if you need to support IE <= 9. You can find more details on this page of the documentation.

    What you try to do looks like this example: download several files and zip them.

    Without copy/pasting the whole code, the example:

    • triggers ajax calls (with JSZipUtils but you can easily only use a responseType = "arraybuffer" if you only supports recent browsers)
    • wrap them into promises (jQuery promises here but you can use your own)
    • add the result into a zip object
    • wait for all promises to complete before triggering a download