I'm writing a motor controller that has a couple of interfaces (buttons, Bluetooth, haptic knobs) which is a task that is steadily growing to be a larger than I figured. I've tried to just go at it by starting with low-level modules (e.g. write code to talk on the I2C bus), then ones above that (code to talk to a particular device on the I2C bus...), but all too often I have to dive back down to my lower modules to handle quirks I didn't accommodate. This either takes a long time or I get really hack-ish code.
My target is an 8-bit MCU, so bottom-up seems like I can exploit the hardware better. If I go top-down I don't have any structure to build on or test/debug.
I've tried drawing up some overall diagrams and ones for particular levels/drivers, but I'm not sure how to structure them so I can be very systematic about it and avoid missing the odd signal that needs to go up through 2-3 layers.
I guess this is the reason for a CS degree? I'm an electrical engineer :P
It sounds like you are on the right track. Sometimes no amount of planning is going to prevent you from having to redesign or refactor parts of a system at a later date. Try some of the following tips: