I am trying to process images uploaded to azure using webjob. I have 2 containers image
and thumbs
Currently, I am reading from image
container, creating a thumbnail and writing it to thumbs
container using the following code, which works great.
public static void GenerateThumbnail([QueueTrigger("addthumb")] ImageDTO blobInfo,
[Blob("images/{Name}", FileAccess.Read)] Stream input, [Blob("thumbs/{Name}")] CloudBlockBlob outputBlob)
using (Stream output = outputBlob.OpenWrite())
ConvertImageToThumbnail(input, output, blobInfo.Name);
outputBlob.Properties.ContentType = GetMimeType(blobInfo.Name);
Now, I would also like to resize the main image from image
container (if it's too big), compress it and replace the original with it.
Is there a way to read from and write to the same blob?
Yes, you can read/write to the same blob. For example you could change your input
binding to bind to CloudBlockBlob
using FileAccess.ReadWrite
public static void GenerateThumbnail(
[QueueTrigger("addthumb")] ImageDTO blobInfo,
[Blob("images/{Name}", FileAccess.ReadWrite)] CloudBlockBlob input,
[Blob("thumbs/{Name}")] CloudBlockBlob output)
// Process the image
You can then access the OpenRead/OpenWrite
stream methods on that blob to read the image blob and process/modify it as needed.