I am use libxml2 for XML parsing. The sample code on the libxml website are hard to follow and seem to lack some details. I arrived at the following code by Googling so I don't even think it's the proper way to do it, but it worked in the sample learning program I wrote, but not this one. I still don't know the proper way to use libxml in C++ so I'm running in the dark and hoping I hit something useful.
The XML file loads correctly and when this function outputs root->name
correctly, but then when it goes through the children it just outputs text
at cur->name
and I don't know why. I have to put the counter in there to stop it from going into an infinite loop. I read somewhere white space in the XML file might cause this, but I don't know what to do. I just want the part name and ID.
xmlNode *cur = root;
cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
ofstream out;
out.open("errorlog.txt", ios::app);
out << "attempting reading current node\n";
out << "root: " << root->name << endl;
int counter = 0;
// advance until it hits stars
while(cur != NULL && counter < 10){
if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"parts")))
out << "counter: " << counter << endl;
out << "child: " << cur->name << endl;
This is the XML file I'm using:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<part name="part10">
<attribute name="id">1</attribute>
<part name="part20">
<attribute name="id">2</attribute>
<part name="part30">
<attribute name="id">3</attribute>
<stuff id="3" />
<stuff id="4" />
<stuff id="5" />
The problem is that you are not advancing the current node in your while
loop. Try changing cur->next;
to cur = cur->next;
. You are seeing the first child of <netlist>
which is a text node containing the whitespace before the <parts>