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How to create a report with logo touching header and detail

I'm trying to create a report as shown below with a logo touching header and detail band... Can someone please help me on where to start with... Even the header end is having a cross lines... do i need to take that as an image or is it possible in ireport tool to have such designs??

I'm new to jasper reporting... Please help me on how to create such report

enter image description here


  • I'm not sure about crossed lines since it's been a year since my last time using iReports, but I can't remember this kind of attention to the estetic part and I think you should probably use a background image.

    Regarding the logo touching header and detail, since I don't think iReport can deal with overlapping bands, I would suggest you to organize your report as shown in the following image.

    enter image description here

    Header (red part): take care of the whole report non connected to the detail

    Detail (green part): just your data

    You can handle vertical lines in both bands in order to preserve a sort of frame.

    I had to emulate several times this sample. and I've always reached my goal in this way.

    Hoping it helps.
