I've been digging into this code which is using a basic timer to check for location updates. I then have it sending lat/lng to a server.
http://mobileoop.com/background-location-update-programming-for-ios-7 https://github.com/voyage11/Location
It's working well when plugged in and hooked up through XCode, however when I unplug and take the device mobile, the OS seems to always kill the background thread exactly after 3 minutes. So if I set the timer to run every 30 seconds, I'll get ~6 updates until I bring the app up to the foreground.
I have read that max background execution time is 3 minutes, but as I see it this code is resetting the background task after 1 minute, so I'm not sure why I'm seeing this.
There must be some way around this. Anything I can do here?
EDIT: this helped me: allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates in CLLocationManager in iOS9
if ([self.locationManager respondsToSelector:@selector(setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:)]) {
[self.locationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];
This is needed for background location tracking.